Your New Year’s Wish is Rubbish! Or not?

Let’s be honest! How many times have you made New Year’s wishes and they have actually come true? Or are you always procrastinating or postponing? “I’m going to the gym this year.” Does this one sound familiar? In 2021 I decided to deal more consciously with wishes or resolutions. It didn’t quite work out, because they were wishes, simply “for the sake of wishing”. In 2022 I took this more seriously, asking myself the following questions:

  • Am I serious about this? (it comes from the heart)
  • Do I really want it? (does it fit, is it really necessary)
  • Why are these wishes important? (think of long-term impact)
  • Why now, this year? (if you postpone it again, what could be the consequences)

From my own observation, I see people include many of these points in their New Year’s wishes:

  • Good health (healthier food, exercise)
  • More money
  • Love and respect

All beautiful! But what will you do to make these wishes really come true? Just sitting around waiting for a miracle? Or waiting for others to do something for you? This reminds me of these three important sayings:

  • “Pray and work”
  • “But wishes are only granted in fairy tales.”
  • “A goal without a plan is just a wish”

One of my wishes last year was to get one step closer to a healthier lifestyle. I made this wish in my “midnight prayer” (00:00u). On January 2, I turned this into a goal with action points (AP):
Goal: Start gym training in the second week of January

AP-1: Look up gym schools and make your choice
AP-2: Enroll and start
AP-3: Go to the gym at least twice a week

Guess what, Thursday, January 13, 2022 I went to register and it was also my first training day, three times a week and later reduced it to two times because of the balance with my work and school. Another goal was also to make my own fruit smoothies, which I do twice to three times a week every morning, combined with healthier meals (more vegetables, less “fatty” food, etc.). The result? Maybe it’s an idea, but I felt better all year, more energetic – it feels really good.

PLEASE NOTE‼️ I’m not saying ′′wishing for something ′′ is bad. It is good to wish for things. According to, a wish is “desire, hope for something” – in being positive, of course. But this article is more in the context of “personal achievement: from wish to goal.”

For this year (2023) I have put all my wishes on paper (1). After that, I’ve ranked them by priority (2). This gives me a better idea of ​​the wishes I REALLY REALLY want to fulfill, so I converted these into goals (3). My next steps (4, 5 and eventually 6) are to work out these goals (timeline, action points, requirements etc.).

I’m telling you, it has given me even more inspiration to work more consciously and more focused. Now the question for you: Are your wishes just wishes, or things you REALLY REALLY want?

TIP! Start today, start now – grab a pen and paper and write down all your wishes for this year. Then you go through the same steps I just pointed out above. BUT AT LEAST START!

Oh yes, every year I have a theme. For this year it’s “JUST DO IT!” (inspired by NIKE) – less lingering and talking, more actions and doing! HOW ABOUT YOU?

Happy New Year, and may your wishes come true.

Images: Ruiz Kartoredjo

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